Nutrigenomics: Genetic diet

Nutrigenomics is an emerging multidisciplinary science and the study of how foods affect our genes and how individual genetic differences can affect the way we respond to nutrients in the foods we eat.

Relation of Gene type with Health:
For optimal health, you need to match your particular genotype with the most gene- supportive environment (GSE) you can create. You do that through what you eat, how you exercise and how you response to stress, which is largely determined by how you think. We are unique individuals in every way, even when it comes to our personal daily dietary requirements. Knowing this, food can be used as nutritional medicine if we eat appropriate foods in the correct amounts. One diet does not fit all.

1. genetic testing


Adopt the lifestyle habits and nutritional practices best suited to our individual needs. The key is to know which form of the gene you carry, so that you can make diet and lifestyle choices to best reduce your health risks.

A personalised plan for your genotype your gene-supportive environment will guide you in choosing the optimal: 
1. Fat content, with the correct types of fats
2. Carbohydrate content, with the correct types of carbohydrates.
3. Protein content, with the correct types of protein.
4. Caloric content, for your needs.
5. Amount and kind of exercise.
6. Balance of stress and relaxation in your life.
7. Quality of mental and emotional environment
8. Type of energy and intentions you allow into your life(spiritual component)
9. Physical environment (aesthetics and other factors in the physical space around you)


Nutrition Screening  and connecting between genes and well being. Genetic Testing  Personalized Lifestyle report: Suggestion of lifestyle changes as per genetic profile. Nutritional Advice: As per personalized genetic profile of individual
A young female contestant of a beauty pageant.. fell sick with fever 2 months before the competition. Had weight gain with recovery. Now he was desperate to lose her excess weight because of the pageant. She came in for Diet counselling where her detailed history regarding exercise regime, dietary habits, diet schedule etc was taken. She used to follow high intensity
workout regime for almost 1.5 to 2 hours. Her diet consisted greater amount of fats.

She took the weight loss panel. Her gene test report was an eye-opener. As per her genes, she hardly needed 30-40 minutes of moderate physical activity, morning session. And with respect to diet, her quality and quantity of fats needed an alteration. Her snacking gene showed a moderate tendency towards snacking and eating large amounts of food. Hence, behavior modification for controlling the appetitte and irregular snacking habit was needed.  nother gene showed that she had a tendency to easily gain weight and regain the lost weight easily. Discipline on diet and exercise will help her.
So, what are you waiting for? Go for it today.

Gene Diet Counselling Just for You: Improving health and preventing diseases through tailored diet and lifestyle prescriptions.
Please note that genetic testing needs to be done only once in your lifetime. They are one time charges and vary as per the test panel.

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